
How To Get To Duna Ksp


Orbital Characteristics

Semi-major axis: 20.726.155.264 m
Apoapsis: 21.783.189.163 m
Periapsis: 19.669.121.365 m
Orbital eccentricity: 0.05
Orbital inclination: 0.06 °
Argument of periapsis: 0 °
Longitude of the ascending node: 135.5 °
Mean anomaly: iii.14 rad (at 0s UT)
Sidereal orbital period: nineteen,645,697.3 seconds
(200 days ix hours l minutes 0.1 seconds)
Synodic orbital period: 19,645,697.three seconds
Orbital Velocity: 7.147 to seven.915 m/due south

Physical Characteristics

Equatorial radius: 320.000 1000
Surface expanse: 1.2867964×1011 g2
Mass: iv.5154812×10xx kg
Standard gravitational parameter: 3.0136321×xeleven m3/s2
Density: 32,897.696 kg/m3
Surface gravity: 2,94 m/s2 (0.3 g)
Escape velocity: i.372,41 m/due south
Sidereal rotation period: 65.517.859 due south
xviii h eleven chiliad 57.ix s
Solar day: 65.766,707 s
18 h 16 m 6,7 s
Sidereal rotational velocity: 30.688 m/southward
Synchronous orbit: 2.880,00 km
Sphere of influence: 47.921.949 k

Atmospheric Characteristics

Atmosphere present: Yes
Atmospheric Pressure level xx.2650 kPa
0.2 atm
Scale height 3000 m
Atmospheric height 41 446.532 m
2.0×ten-7 atm
Temperaturemin -50.24 °C 222.91 K
Temperaturemax -30.17 °C 242.98 One thousand
Oxygen present × No
Scientific multiplier
Surface: 8
Atmospheric: 5
Infinite: 7


Duna is the fourth planet of the Kerbol star system and Mars analog for Kerbal Infinite Program. It is mostly red with polar icecaps and has one natural satellite, the moon Ike. Ike's size and proximity tidally locks it and Duna to each other. With proper aerobraking, a round trip from Kerbin to Duna'due south orbit and back requires roughly 1700 one thousand/south of delta-v, less than a round trip to any other planet. Duna is often the easiest planet to see considering its orbital inclination is low. There is a tutorial virtually Traveling to Duna and Dorsum.

In-game Clarification

Also known as the scarlet dot that you can see if you lot squint at it really hard, Duna has long been a wonder to Kerbalkind. The planet has been held in much awe due to its striking red color and stark dissimilarity to the color greenish.


Duna's terrain ranges in altitude from 124 to 8264 meters. Its mountainous ranges are a peril to landing craft, especially considering the thin temper, which permits very little safe aerobraking and causes Duna's expansive, icy poles. Duna has several craters, but they appear quite eroded, presumably from wind. Several maria (large regions of dark soil) are at exactly 0 meters distance (deprecated). Their flatness and low distance allow for more aerobraking and make them easy just boring landing locations. These may have been lakes when the planet may have had liquid on its surface in the past. Duna'south surface contains anomalous features.


Duna'due south atmosphere begins at 41,446 g. It is only twenty% as dumbo every bit Kerbin's at bounding main level distance and is even less dense relative to Kerbin at college altitudes. At Duna's highest peak, atmospheric density is simply 21% of that at sea level. For comparing, on Kerbin, the temper at the highest peaks is 45% as thick as at sea level. This low density will cause parachutes to semi-deploy much lower, just over ten km for the Mk25 Parachute, and merely under nine km for all the other parachutes. In comparison is the atmosphere the thinnest of all bodies with an temper. Even Jool's moon Laythe has a more than dense and higher atmosphere. The atmosphere appears to take a reddish or brown tone itself. On the poles the illuminated atmosphere is coloured although the surface is white.


Aerobraking tin can relieve fuel by reducing orbital and surface velocity greatly. An aerobraking maneuver should maximize time spent in the atmosphere by entering at a shallow angle and aiming for a landing location in a low-lying area. One estimate for a practiced aerobraking acme is 13,000 meters, which will then let a relatively low delta-V fire at the apoapsis to create a stable orbit safely within Ike'south reign of chaos. Similar all atmospheres in the game, Duna'southward atmosphere fades exponentially with increasing altitude (with a scale summit of 3000 m). Although parachutes will deploy on Duna, the atmosphere is so sparse that they are usually unable to slow a craft to a condom landing velocity and must be assisted with engines.


Below 5 km Duna'south atmosphere is thick enough to let wings to generate plenty lift for aerodynamic flight. Jet engines don't work for want of oxygen, but other propulsion methods piece of work well. Performing a horizontal landing with a plane is besides possible.

Lifting off

An rising to Low Duna Orbit from the surface typically requires around 1500 to 2000 m/s in Delta-V to attain a 42 km altitude traveling at roughly 950 m/southward. The following tabular array gives terminal velocities at dissimilar Duna altitudes, which also the velocities at which a ship should travel for a fuel-optimal ascent from Duna, given the game's model of atmospheric drag.

Distance (grand) Velocity (grand/s)
0 123
1000 144
2000 170
3000 200
5000 278
8000 454
10000 630
13000 one.03x10iii
15000 1.43x103
20000 3.24x10iii

Orbital Statistics

The synchronous orbit of Duna is at an altitude of ii 880.00 km in a higher place Duna. The speed of the satellite is 306.88 m/southward and information technology has an orbital period resonating with one Duna 24-hour interval (18.two hours or 65517.859375 seconds). Nevertheless, this is the same altitude at which Ike orbits, so unless a ship'due south orbit is perfectly precise, it will eventually exist captured past Ike. For a semi-synchronous orbit of ½ Duna day (ix.1 hours or 32758.9295 seconds) an orbit of 1 695.87 km above Duna is needed with a velocity of 386.65 thousand/southward.

Observation of Ike

Ike's orbit keeps it directly higher up a brusque range of Dunar longitudes. The average Duna longitude that Ike tends to stay straight above (at the Zenith) is six degrees due east, but the eccentricity of Ike'due south orbit causes the exact longitude to oscillate betwixt about 2 degrees and ten degrees east and makes Ike appear to grow slightly larger and smaller to an observer on the surface of Duna. The latitude at which Ike is in the Zenith also oscillates betwixt 0.2 degrees southward and 0.ii degrees north due to Ike'due south orbital inclination, making Ike announced to rotate upwards and downwards equally viewed from the surface, merely due to the extremely pocket-sized orbital inclination, this effect is well-nigh imperceptible. These phenomena together are known every bit libration. The oscillation in Ike's position above the horizon allows areas from 88°W to lxxx°W and 92°Due east to 100°E on Duna to notice Ike rise and set up at least partially across the horizon, equally tin can any areas n of 89.eight°N or south of 89.eight°South.

Interplanetary Travel

From altitude orbit around Duna, the delta-V needed to reach the orbits of other celestials is:

Body Delta-V
Ike ~300 1000/s
Kerbin ~620 thousand/s
Dres ~820 m/south
Eve ~1080 m/s
Jool ~1350 m/south
Eeloo ~1580 chiliad/south
Moho ~2100 k/s

Reference Frames

Rotational/Inertial transition 100 000 m
Warp Minimum Altitude
41 446 m (above the atmosphere)
10× 41 446 m (above the atmosphere)
50× 60 000 m
100× 100 000 m
1 000× 300 000 1000
ten 000× 600 000 m
100 000× 800 000 m


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