
Do You Need A Underlayment Under A Nailed Down New Wood Floor

Hardwood Flooring Underlayment: Is Underlayment Necessary for Hardwood Floors? (Full Guide)

I used to think hardwood didn't need underlayment. Pad was just for carpeting. But this isn't the case. Many times it's non optional–you have to have underlayment. Simply fifty-fifty when it's not required, at that place are plenty of good reasons you might want it. Hither are the goals of this article and what nosotros'll embrace in guild:

  1. Decide if y'all demand underlayment for your hardwood
  2. Make up one's mind what underlayment you should choose
  3. Reply any final questions: pricing, radiant heat, etc (can leave whatsoever questions in the comments)

Is underlayment necessary for hardwood floors?

hardwood flooring on top of floor underlayment

The brusque answer: ordinarily. If you already have a plywood subfloor, and the subfloor is polish and level, then you lot may non need an underlayment below the hardwood flooring. Plywood has some moisture resistance already compared to solid wood, and it by and large gives a smooth surface. So plywood likely means you aren't required to have underlayment, but it still can provide other benefits.

The top v benefits of hardwood floor underlayment

In that location are two reasons it helps to know why you might benefit from underlayment:

  1. Then yous tin decide if yous want it in cases where information technology's not necessary.
  2. So you know what you're paying for, and what features to wait for.

What I mean by indicate 2 is, if you don't know what benefits underlayment can provide, than you won't know why yous should spend more than or less. Or why it even matters what underlayment yous choose. Permit'south take a expect at all the benefits:

1. Moisture barrier

One of the almost important reasons to use underlayment is to protect your hardwood floor against moisture damage. You lot can frequently observe underlayment with an added vapor bulwark which helps to keep your wood floors prophylactic from water damage. You lot will often see this recommended for floating floors, but when it comes to keeping water and moisture away from your hardwood floors, every fleck helps. No matter how well installed or maintained, whatsoever gap between the planks can let water seep under your floor. One time the water has soaked into the floors from below, you tin be facing expensive damages once the boards warp or pause.

Captain'due south alert! You should avoid nailing through some types of waterproof underlayment, as the punctures will continue them from working correctly. Always check the underlayment warnings to see if it tin can be used with a nail-downwardly installation. If not, your installer should take precautions, such as installing some other plywood layer on peak of the underlayment, to keep from damaging it.

2. Subfloor imperfections

An even subfloor is one of the first requirements for any hardwood floor installation. When you nail or mucilage wood floor onto an uneven surface, the finished wood flooring volition also be uneven. Not simply does this pose a tripping adventure, information technology as well leaves your beautiful wood floor looking less than perfect. Major flaws should always be repaired before installing hardwood floors, but minor dips and cracks do not necessarily require a complete overhaul. If y'all can find an underlayment thick plenty to recoup for pocket-sized, uneven areas, information technology would be less expensive and faster to apply that than to tear apart the whole subfloor.

3. Noise reduction

Put simply, a decorated household on wood floors can produce a lot of noise. From kids and pets running and playing in the living room to the background noise of voices, televisions, and general household ambiance, the sounds can quickly add upwards. Y'all can discover underlayment that helps absorb sound from the air and go on the sound waves from billowy quite then vigorously around the room. Other types of underlayment muffle sounds made on the floor itself, which is peculiarly helpful for upper stories of your domicile if you do not want to hear every footfall from lower levels.

4. Comfort

Another drawback of wood flooring is that it's a solid, sometimes common cold, surface and not especially pleasant to walk or stand up on for long periods of time. If you have chosen a harder woods floor, known for its durability and longevity, this may be even more noticeable. Then in these cases, underlayment will be an added investment that yous will give thanks yourself for on chilled winter nights and whatever fourth dimension you walk on areas not covered past rugs. Underlayment cushions your feet when you walk on the hardwood flooring and insulates information technology from intense temperature modify.

5. Stabilizing floating floors

If you accept installed engineered hardwood as a floating floor, then underlayment will be very important. Floating floors are not attached to the subfloor so they tin can easily expand and contract when exposed to the moisture and heat in the air. Moisture tin can also pool up in the gap betwixt the subfloor and the floating engineered hardwood, which will eventually damage or warp even the all-time-engineered hardwood flooring.

All-time blazon of underlayment for hardwood

There aren't many decisions when choosing an underlayment for your hardwood floor. Choose the best textile for your job, and you'll be happy with your buy. Let's cover the characteristics and pros and cons of hardwood underlayments:


This is the most popular hardwood underlayment. If you are not using a floating floor, and most of the time with hardwood you lot won't exist, then one of the best types of underlay is heavy, black felt. These help proceed wet from coming up through the subfloor even when y'all smash direct through it, and tin exist stapled to the subfloor so they stay in place. Black felt underlayment looks a lot similar roofing underlay just does not have any cobblestone or tar. It is odorless and safe to install in confined areas of the home. Felt underlayment provides protection, but it lacks in bells and whistles. Information technology's thin and won't give yous much cushion underfoot or audio-dampening. If these are loftier on your priority list, you might desire to move on to another material.


Cork isn't quite equally popular equally felt, simply it makes a great underlayment. Cork is natural and renewable then it fits in well with a "green" home remodel. Cork underlayment has excellent audio-reduction properties. It is fifty-fifty used in music studios to keep out background chatter from finished recordings. The best audio-dampening will come with 6mm cork underlayment, merely you can also buy cork underlayment with 3mm thickness if you demand a narrower underlay. If you lot are trying to fifty-fifty out pocket-sized subfloor imperfections, cork is flexible and will fit evenly between the subfloor and the hardwood floor. It also helps to insulate against cold and heat and is water resistant. It'due south not waterproof, but you can buy cork with a moisture barrier. One final benefit of cork is for those suffering allergies: it has anti-microbial and anti-fungal properties.


Rubber is easy to install, provides an excellent moisture barrier, and does a expert task reducing sound. Then why is it the 3rd about pop hardwood underlayment? Mostly due to toll. It'south not way more expensive, simply await to pay around $ane.l for rubber underlayment. The other do good of rubber underlayment is it'south easy to DIY. Most underlayments are, just sometimes yous accept to glue down the others where rubber y'all simply cut and prepare it downward.

Cost of hardwood underlayment

Like anything in flooring, this varies a lot on quality, just look to pay betwixt $0.fifty and $i.50 for underlayment. Cheap cork or felt could exist lower, and you can pay more for special features merely many of these will be marketing hype. Commonly, you can stay in this range and get anything you need for your hardwood.

Radiant heating and wood underlayment

If you accept radiant heating with your hardwood floors you can even so utilise an underlayment, only yous should option one with a low R-value. A low R-value hands allows the heat to travel through the underlayment to the flooring surface compared to a high R-value, which will actually work against the radiant rut by providing too much insulation.

Helm's parting words!

An underlayment is very helpful when installing your hardwood floors. The slight improver of cost and fourth dimension pays off in the long run by giving your flooring some protection against moisture, reducing dissonance, increasing your comfort, and evening out any minor subfloor flaws without a major redo. There are a few types of subfloor you lot can choose from. You should ever check with the floor and underlayment manufacturers to make sure you are choosing products and installation methods that work well together. With that bit of grooming, you volition be able to meliorate operation for both long after the floor is installed. Adjacent step? If you haven't already, I'd check out our unbiased hardwood guide. Information technology covers everything from the type of woods for durability to design choices. Whatever questions I didn't embrace on hardwood underlayment? Let me know in the comments below.


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